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7 types of people you meet at the CIPD Exhibition

Written by Bob Teasdale | Nov 4, 2021 10:11:20 AM

How many of these people have you spotted at CIPD exhibitions? The annual CIPD exhibition is one of the UK's largest HR events, welcoming a whole host of HR professionals each year.

For a rundown of the types of people you're likely to meet, take a look at our list and see how many you recognise!

The 7 types of people you meet at the CIPD Exhibition

1. Buyers

The cream of the crop and everyone's holy grail. These people approach your stand, ask some questions, and then do it - they only go and buy your product. 10 out of 10!

2. Customers

It's always great to see people who are already using your product. You get some honest and direct feedback. It was loud too, so plenty of passers-by overheard. With enough encouragement, customers may even spread your gospel to the Browsers!

3. Browsers

They've had a good look and asked plenty of questions. They seem to like you, but walk away keeping their (business) cards very close to their chest. They could be confused with spies!

4. Collaborators

We all like to see these people. They seem to know everyone and will connect you to those that can help. 'Show fever' brings on the wheeler-dealer in everyone. What's not to like!

5. Trouble causers

The petty squabbles and turf wars that break out when exhibitors are held in captivity within the confines of the exhibition hall! "You're blocking customers from seeing us"; "You're in our space"; "Your cuddly mascot is scaring people off".

Most of this can be distilled into: "Wish we'd thought of that!"

6. Giveaway grabbers

Like modern day hunter-gatherers, these unscrupulous delegates harvest your giveaways with no intention of engagement, let along making a purchase. Blame the organisers - they should give the delegates smaller bags or weigh them at the exit like pick and mix.

7. Spies

Clumsy industrial espionage with rival exhibitors sneaking a look at what you're up to. To be fair though, the reason you always recognise them is that you saw them when you were sneaking a look at their stand!