Webinar: Networking for HR and business consultants

Virtual networking tips for HR and business consultants

"Everything you have said makes me want to attend your next one. Thanks for your great insight!" - Karin

What is virtual networking, how does it differ to traditional networking events, and how can you make it work when looking to connect with potential new clients?

In this webinar for HR and business consultants, we're joined by Stewart Leahy, a business networking coach and the founder of Powerhouse Networking, who will show you:

  • How to get the most out of virtual networking
  • How to pitch your services at virtual network meetings
  • How to host a great virtual networking event
  • Techniques and tips to 'really' stand out as the host

This webinar is perfect for HR and business consultants who are looking to dip into the world of virtual networking and/or improve how you use networking events to find new leads and make valuable connections.

"Thanks Stewart and Marie, great insights!" – Cissy


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