How to change your username

This guide describe how users can change their username on myhrtoolkit.

Quick summary

You can access this from anywhere in myhrtoolkit using the navigation options at the top right of each page.

  • Click on Account > Login details
  • Type a new username in the form. The username must be more than 8 characters and has to be unique. Email addresses are acceptable as usernames
  • Click the tick box to confirm the change; if there is an error you will be informed. Try a different username (if your chosen one is taken, just making a small change may be enough to create a unique username)
  • You can change your password if you wish, but it is not mandatory.
  • Click submit when finished
Detailed instructions

This section repeats the instructions above in more detail, complete with screenshots.

From anywhere in myhrtoolkit, click on the Account button, then the Login details menu item.

You will now be presented with your username. Make changes as required and tick the box to confirm when ready. If the new choice fails to meet our guidelines, or is already in use by another user, you will be informed and can try again.

Set login details

When your new username has been accepted, the password details will show. You can skip this step if you wish to keep your current password.

myhrtoolkit username and password settings

Click Submit to make your changes.

  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.