Health and safety – Custom forms

The Health And Safety Custom Forms feature allows for the creation of new forms for employees to supply additional information as required.

This feature is accessed via Management > Health and Safety > Custom Forms.

Custom forms grid

This page presents with a grid of forms that have been created. The grid can show 10, 25 or 50 entries per page (depending on the number forms created) using the drop-down menu.

Entries can be searched by the name of the form or the user who created the form.

The Custom Forms grid shows:

  • Form – name of the form
  • Created by – name of user that created the form
  • Submissions – number of submissions a form has had
  • Enabled – if the form is enabled/visible to users
  • Created – the date the form was created
  • Actions – 4 action buttons you can use for the form. They have the following functions:
    • Green – Allows you to edit the form.
    • Dark Blue – When blue, allows you to view the submissions. When grey, not selectable as no submissions have been made.
    • Yellow – Lets you view any changes and what previous versions of the form looked like. Will be faded if no changes have been made.
    • Red – Allows you to delete the form. This option is faded if the form is either enabled, or if any submissions have been made.

Health and safety custom forms on myhrtoolkit

Creating a form

Creating Custom Forms has been made to be as uncomplicated as possible. The is further reading in the Custom Forms creation guide.

A companion reference page with worked examples is available - the Custom Forms-Builder reference guide.

Viewing submissions

Submissions for a form can be seen by selecting the blue button on the relevant form.

Managers will only see the submissions for the users they are set to line-manage.

Four of the columns in the grid reflect some of the fields entered in your form. You can customise which fields you want showing in the columns using the Toggle Columns area (up to four custom columns toggled at a time).

If a form has been edited in any way, you will be able to view previous versions of that submission using the yellow ‘Show History‘ option.

Alternatively, a submission can be archived using the red icon. If a submission is archived, it will no longer be visible to the user.

A list of archived submissions is available using the ‘View Archive‘ option at the top right.

This also allows the viewing of the history of a submission, as well as restoring a submission from the archive to the active list.

Note – a form can be moved back to the active list using ‘View Active.’
Filling in the form

Once a form has been created and enabled, users can fill out enabled forms by navigating to Myhome > Custom Forms.

Filling in a custom health and safety form

On page is a list of forms that have been enabled, and when the user last submitted a form. Against each form are two buttons:

  • Green – this allows the user to fill in the form
  • Dark Blue – this lets the user view their submission(s)

Once the form has been complete and submitted, an email notification will be sent advising the form was filled in.

  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.