HR blog

Read the latest HR articles and guides from myhrtoolkit

The history of HR management: traditional HR vs strategic HR

How utilising HR data can maximise productivity | HR blog

How to avoid a GDPR breach: a guide for SMEs | myhrtoolkit

How SMEs can deal with a GDPR data breach | myhrtoolkit

3 essential HR tools for growing SMEs | myhrtoolkit

Business strategy vs tactics: how HR impacts decision making

How Applicant Tracking Systems streamline recruitment

Holiday management changes for variable hours employees

Employment law changes 2020: what SMEs need to know

How to handle office romance: quick guide for SMEs | HR blog

9 staff retention strategies to retain your employees | HR

Are employee birthdays and milestones worth celebrating?

Brexit: what are the consequences for SMEs? | myhrtoolkit

Types of HR costs and how to reduce them | myhrtoolkit

Data Privacy Day: 3 tips for keeping business data private

Calculate sickness absence percentages for employees

How to create a security-conscious business culture

Turning Blue Monday into a Brew Monday at work | myhrtoolkit

Is HR pointless? Busting common HR myths | myhrtoolkit

How you can support employees who are working parents?

HR metrics that matter for small businesses | myhrtoolkit

How to motivate staff in January | myhrtoolkit

HR software trends 2020 | myhrtoolkit

Is poor workplace hygiene costing you staff attendance?